
dia duit.
i havn't been on here in FOREVER. since july i think. its september now. almost fall!!! fall offically starts september...21st i beleive. :D
fall&&spring are my favorite seasons. During fall you get to carve pumpkins, pick out your halloween costume (if you do halloween**) and drink apple cider. and the leaves are changing too***
I can't wait for halloween tho, its my favorite holiday. Idk why tho.. :)
I still need to finish my project for school, blah mrs. smith. making us make a collage
of course i made mine bout halloween, ehres my poem that we have to write for it too :
On this Halloween Night.
A owl hoots.
I feel a cool breeze blow past me
I’m surrounded by darkness
Like a blanket around me.
I can hear the pounding of kids running
I see a black cat,
Its bright emerald colored eyes, gleam at me.
I beam back at it.
It scampers away into the black hole of a bush.
I push the doorbell to a house
A person comes out,
“Trick-Or-Treat” I repeat
They reach in their bowl of candy,
And a rainbow of sweets
Fall into my reach.
I run across the lawn
I yawn heavily.
Halloween night is coming to an end.
Ghouls and Ghosts
I run as fast as a can.
My bag overflowing with treats.
I can feel leaves going
Crunch-crunch-crunch, right under my feet
Until I stop, and gaze up at the shining full moon.
On this Halloween Night.

Well, ill blog more later ;)
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