
dia duit.
i havn't been on here in FOREVER. since july i think. its september now. almost fall!!! fall offically starts september...21st i beleive. :D
fall&&spring are my favorite seasons. During fall you get to carve pumpkins, pick out your halloween costume (if you do halloween**) and drink apple cider. and the leaves are changing too***
I can't wait for halloween tho, its my favorite holiday. Idk why tho.. :)
I still need to finish my project for school, blah mrs. smith. making us make a collage
of course i made mine bout halloween, ehres my poem that we have to write for it too :
On this Halloween Night.
A owl hoots.
I feel a cool breeze blow past me
I’m surrounded by darkness
Like a blanket around me.
I can hear the pounding of kids running
I see a black cat,
Its bright emerald colored eyes, gleam at me.
I beam back at it.
It scampers away into the black hole of a bush.
I push the doorbell to a house
A person comes out,
“Trick-Or-Treat” I repeat
They reach in their bowl of candy,
And a rainbow of sweets
Fall into my reach.
I run across the lawn
I yawn heavily.
Halloween night is coming to an end.
Ghouls and Ghosts
I run as fast as a can.
My bag overflowing with treats.
I can feel leaves going
Crunch-crunch-crunch, right under my feet
Until I stop, and gaze up at the shining full moon.
On this Halloween Night.

Well, ill blog more later ;)
slan agat

Notre Dame

hey guyss
sorry i havn't been on in a while : (
i havn't figured out how to use blogger on my ipod yett..
So anyways

the other day i went to Notre Dame for a mass for my aunt's friend,
because she just got diagnosed with breast cancer : (

but the log chapel was very cool.
rather small tho lol
butanyways i got to see the golden dome and
other cool things around campus.
I really badly want to go there for college. like my aunt...
ill post pics laterr.
for now.
im gonna leave



Bored lol

I was just thinking,

if there was no america...

like, we would all be were our ancestors were (most likeley) i'd be in ireland, and other people would be back where they're ancestors are from. it just seems kinda weird lol. america is a big melting pot...

right now im sick :[ stupid colds...but yeesh...last night i watched the movie "the boy in striped pajamas" it was good..but really really sad. The ending kinda felt rushed though...but it was good. :P

i love this song<3>


I wonder if its true about the "world ending" in 2012. Well, personally, i think it wont happen. I think the mayans were too lazy or got caught up in a war about land or somthing and just eneded it. If it does end however, that'll just be so creepy. But in the bible, my step mom said, there maay be a chrisitan holocaust. If there is, then how will one happen in a mere 3 years? This is all confusing. Im just going with my gut and i dont' think its gonna happen, like Y2K. Everyone thought that was gonna happen, but it turned out to be a fluke. But, who knows? Mayans were almost always right with there information and dates.. thats the scary part. But anyways.

Im going to get going.

Slan agat :]


Well hey:)
This is my first blog...
What to write?
Well, I got a new dog from the humaine society! Her name is Zulu and she's a lab mix. and almost 5 months old..she looks like my other dog..Zeb..

Well last night was 4th of July and i didn't get to see any fireworks cause it was raining :'(
oh well. I hope you like this song im listenting to it right now^^ its like one of my favorite songs...
Blahhh well im gonna go :]
xoxo loves