

Bored lol

I was just thinking,

if there was no america...

like, we would all be were our ancestors were (most likeley) i'd be in ireland, and other people would be back where they're ancestors are from. it just seems kinda weird lol. america is a big melting pot...

right now im sick :[ stupid colds...but yeesh...last night i watched the movie "the boy in striped pajamas" it was good..but really really sad. The ending kinda felt rushed though...but it was good. :P

i love this song<3>


I wonder if its true about the "world ending" in 2012. Well, personally, i think it wont happen. I think the mayans were too lazy or got caught up in a war about land or somthing and just eneded it. If it does end however, that'll just be so creepy. But in the bible, my step mom said, there maay be a chrisitan holocaust. If there is, then how will one happen in a mere 3 years? This is all confusing. Im just going with my gut and i dont' think its gonna happen, like Y2K. Everyone thought that was gonna happen, but it turned out to be a fluke. But, who knows? Mayans were almost always right with there information and dates.. thats the scary part. But anyways.

Im going to get going.

Slan agat :]


Gemma said...

heyyyyy Alyssa!

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